Marketing 101


Marketing Tips and Ideas:

When starting out marketing your business, you need to determine who your target market is. Only when you know who your customers are can you market to them effectively. Here’s an easy way to figure out who your target market is:

  • Make a list of five of your best customers. Leave personality out of it. For this, your best customers are the ones that you were able to help or to provide something that they needed.
  • Next make a list of five of your worst customers. These would be people who you were not able to help. Whatever you provided them did not work for them.
  • When making these lists note their demographics, such as age, sex, what they were looking for, problems, what worked and what didn’t work, and any other information that will help you identify them as a type of customer.
  • Next on paper create a generic best customer and a generic worst customer, combining all the attributes of each.
  • The worst customer is the group of people you will either not target ads to reach or will not spend as much advertising to target.
  • The best customer is the customer type you will want to focus your advertising dollars on.

Once you identify who your target customer type is, get out and talk to them. Use the N.I.H.I.T.D principle.

N = Nothing
I = Important
H = Happens
I = In
T = The
O = Office

Your Customers Needs:

The best way to find out what your best customer’s need, or want, is to talk to them. When talking to them, let them do the talking. Your main focus, at this point, is to determine their needs, so you can target your marketing to them specifically. When talking to your customers, remember not all will fit into a best customer or worst customer category. You will need to develop a range of five to seven customer types, ranging from best to worst.

You will want to start your marketing by targeting two or three of your top customer types. When you write your Facebook or Google ads, target each customer group separately. For example, if your top category is people who own large dog breeds, your ads will be different and offer different products than a second target group who own small dogs.

When creating your ads, offer something for free to entice your customer to act. For example you could offer a free PDF or a trial membership, or some sort of discount.

Put these marketing ideas into action and you will be soon on your way to expanding your customer base. If you need help, contact us, we can help.

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