Photos are Great Marketing Tools

PhotosPhotos are Great Marketing Tools:

The images you use on your website, your blog, your social media posts, your articles and in your email are very important. Social Media posts and articles with images get 94% more views than those that don’t. What many people don’t realize is that the images themselves, when suitably tagged and optimized, can drive traffic and new audiences to your website.

People want to read truthful, compelling content. When you use photos to visually let people know about your business and the people and experiences behind your products or services, you form a connection with viewers and establish authenticity. The brain processes images faster than text. So it takes less effort to compete with other sources of information and less time to build trust in your brand.

Images combined with text are called infographics. These are very useful because they let your viewers know exactly what you want to say quickly and easily. Keep the text on your infographics to a minimum and make your infographics colourful. Inspire emotion and get people excited and talking about your images and your brand.

Images will motivate your views to act more than plain text will. Images used in your presentations, on your websites and in your social media posts are more effective at steering an audience toward a desired course of action.

Don’t forget about video. Video works just as well if not better than images to get your message across. Video used to be hard and expensive to create. This is not the case anymore. Images, infographics and videos are easy to create. Once you have the images and videos created, post them on your website, on YouTube, on Pinterest, and all your other social media accounts. If you need help creating this sort of media for your business, we can help. Contact us today for help creating images, infographics and videos.

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