A good looking email signature can be an important part of your business image.
A professional looking signature can tell the email recipient a lot about the organization. Your email signature should include all the necessary information such as your first name, last name, job title, phone numbers, email address and website. You can also include your company’s logo and social media buttons linked to your most popular social media accounts. It can be overwhelming when the signature consists of more information than what is mentioned above. Avoid many images placed all over the signature. To many images may be distracting and for some people even annoying.
Use a common font to avoid problems on the recipient’s side. If you use a fancy uncommon font that your recipient does not have installed on their computer the result can be very unattractive. Their computer will substitute another font which is installed on the computer and the result can be very bad.
.If you are using a logo or other image in your signature it is best to use an image that is online rather than one from your computer. Can you imagine a worse thing than the image not displaying properly in your signature? Unfortunately, this is a common problem, especially when images are inserted from a file on a computer. A simple solution for that is to choose an online resource as the storage for your signature image. Then provide an URL of that picture. If you do this then you can be almost sure that the image will be displayed correctly on the recipient’s side.
Make sure that all employees in your organization use the same signature format. Sometimes we allow the employees to create their own signatures. In small companies, it may not be considered a huge problem. However, in big organizations it can be troublesome to control everyone’s signature in order to stick to the standards. That is why more and more companies decide to manage signatures centrally to have a full control over their corporate visual identity.
To add a signature to your email, simply do a Google Search for your email client, such as “how to add a signature to Outlook”, and you will find many websites that give you clear and easy instructions. If you follow the tips above, you’re email signature will give your business a more professional look.