Visitors: Five Ways to Increase Your Blog’s Traffic

blog-trafficGetting more visitors to your blog is much the same as getting more traffic to your website. Traffic can be hard to get, but here are some great ideas to help you get more visitors specifically to your blog.

  1. Search engine optimization. Just like your website, you should also be using search engine optimization techniques to rank high in Google for specific search terms. Make sure your blog posts have titles that are SEO friendly by using your best keywords for the post in the title. Fix broken links, build links and encourage shares for each of your blog posts. If you have a lot of blog posts, start optimizing your most popular posts first. Build external and internal links to these posts.
  2. Create great content. Give your audience information that is valuable. This will encourage your readers to visit again and again. Some will naturally link to your posts. Consider your keywords when producing your blog posts by including a relevant keyword in the title, anchor text and body text. Keep it natural and do not over use your keyword. This is called keyword stuffing and will do more harm than good.
  3. Re-promote your top posts. You can re-promote your top posts on your social media accounts. Share and tweet your top posts, but do not overdo it.
  4. Answer questions your readers are asking. It’s always useful to know what your readers or potential customers are asking. This allows you to know what content you need to create to fulfill your customer’s needs. One of the best ways to know what they are asking is simply to ask them in what areas they would like more information on.
  5. Build an email list. Include a simple sign-up form on your website and on your blog posts for readers to sign up. An email list allows you to send regular emails to your audience. Keep your signup simple to avoid giving people too many boxes to fill in and use a double opt-in where people confirm they want to be added to your mailing list.

Use these five tips to help build your blog’s traffic. If you need help with SEO, please check out our SEO services.

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