Don’t Let Your WordPress Website Get Hacked!
If your website or blog has been created with WordPress, you should be aware that your site could be more of a target for viruses and malware. If your blog or website is the target of a hacker, your website could be down for weeks and some parts of the site could be damaged beyond repair.
Here are some important tips to make sure your website and blog stay healthy:
- Update: Many people forget to update their blog. I do not mean posting to your blog, I mean logging in and checking to see if anything needs to be updated such as plugin update and WordPress updates. Many updates are security updates where the developer has made their plugin more secure.
- Passwords: Make sure you are using a very secure password. A secure password contains upper and lower case letters, numbers and special characters such as: $#@&. I know it is not easy to remember a secure password, however you can write it down in a safe place.
- Username: The most common login username is ADMIN. If you are using this as your username, you should consider changing it to something less common.
- Users: If you have users other than yourself, you should delete any inactive user accounts. They are annoying, and because they often use weak passwords when they sign up for your blog, they can create a security risk.
- Install Security Plugins: There are several plugins that help protect your website from being hacked. You should consider installing a few good ones to protect your website.
- Delete Unnecessary Files: WordPress adds some files to your site when it is installed. These should be removed, so they do not provide a backdoor for hackers to access your site.
Need help securing your WordPress website? I can help. Ask me how!