Make Your Blog Work For You

blog-postIs Your Blog Working For You?

Having a blog can help set you up as the expert to go to when your clients need information.  Be sure to write posts often so your old and new clients will keep coming back to view your interesting articles.  It can take a long time to write one post, so time management is important.

Decide when the best time is for you to write your posts.  You can write one post when you have time and post it.  You can schedule a few hours and write several posts and then post them one at a time over the next few weeks.  For example, if December is a busy time due to the holidays, you might want to take time in November to write articles to be posted in December.

If you do not have time to do it yourself, you could delegate the job to an employee.  Or, hire a student to do the work.  If you do not have the time to post or cannot find someone to do it for you, you are better off with no blog than to have one that you rarely post to or have never posted to.  A blog that is not being used does more harm than good.  We offer Blog Management to help you keep your posts up to date.

Ask your customers to send people they feel could benefit from your expertise to your blog.  By sharing your posts with others, you will get more customers.

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