search engine optimization

Blog Marketing Techniques

affordable website design

Blog Marketing is not all that difficult. You cannot make a post and then forget about it. You have to continue updating your blog, and marketing it so that it will become popular, and one that everyone wants to read. Here are some other ways that you can market your blog. Interviewing people and posting … Read more

What is Niche Marketing?

affordable website design

Niche Marketing: The word ‘niche’ is defined as: “A special area of demand for a product or service”. ‘Marketing’ is defined as: “The opportunity to buy or sell”. If you put the two words together, niche marketing means buying or selling a product or service in an area of special demand.  This is a product … Read more

The Best Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine Optimization: The big SEO companies offers SEO services for thousands of dollars per month. We can do the same for a fraction of the cost. Your website should be your hardest working employee.  Your website could generate revenue for your business 24/7. This is what your website can do with the proper positioning. You … Read more

Subtle Email Marketing

affordable website design

Subtle Email Marketing: Everyday Internet users receive a lot of emails telling them to buy certain products or visit certain websites. These types of emails arrive in your inbox every day.  However, most people pay very little attention to them, because they are blatant advertisements and are often viewed as spam. Most Internet users have … Read more

What is Social Networking?

social networking

Social Networking: We have all heard of social networking before, but not everyone knows what it means.  If you were asked to define what social media networking is, would you be able to give an accurate definition? Most people can’t, even though it’s likely that they participate in some form of social networking, especially online. … Read more

Five Tips on Keeping Your Blog Active

affordable website design

Keeping Your Blog Active: It is important to keep your blog active. Creating engaging, informative blog posts from scratch can be difficult and time-consuming.  Don’t let your blog fail by not updating it often.  Here are four types of posts that are easy to create and will give you good, useful content. Lists:  Visitors like … Read more

Marketing is everything!

affordable website designs

Marketing: SEO (Search Engine Optimization)… online marketing… website promotion.  Marketing your website is SO important.  You can have the best, most amazing website on the Internet, but if no one sees it, it is of no use to you. SEO is not automatic when you purchase a website.  It is a separate service. When it … Read more

Ten Ways to Grow Your Email List

affordable website design

Grow Your Email List: Here are ten tips that will help you grow your email list: Have an online contest for a free giveaway, and have your visitors sign up for your newsletter in order to enter the contest. Collect email addresses offline and import them into your mailing list.  You can collect these from … Read more

How to Drive More Traffic to Your Website

affordable website design

Website Traffic: SEO comprises many techniques to drive traffic to a website.  Some of the most important techniques are: Posting your website to search engines and directories on a regular, continuous basis. Setting up a Google AdWords Campaign with a budget of at least $100 per month. Building of backlinks. Backlinks are sites that link … Read more

Boost Your Sales Through Social Media

affordable website design

Boost Sales With Social Media: Your customers are willing to pay more for products or services that are local, and most of these customers will come to you by word of mouth.  On the Internet “word of mouth” means social media.  Boosting your Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and other social media campaigns is something you should … Read more