Website Design

Six Tips to Get Your Articles Read

press release

Get Your Articles Read: To make sure that your articles get read, here are six tips. These tips will make your articles readable and interesting. 1) Use short paragraphs. When the paragraphs are long, the words get jumbled in the mind of the reader and just looking at it can get confusing and too difficult … Read more

Why Your Website Content is So Important for SEO

affordable website design

Website Content and SEO: Search engine optimization (SEO) has changed a lot over the years. Google now puts a lot of importance on your website’s text content. Stuffing your website’s pages with as many keywords as possible will only get you penalized by Google. Google looks for fresh, original website content that will provide value … Read more

Are You Already Using Internet Marketing?

Search Engine Optimization

Internet Marketing: Are you already using Internet marketing? Take a moment to think about how you would answer this question. Do you have a website for your business? Business owners who answer yes to this question are already marketing their products or services online simply by having a website and using internet marketing. You may … Read more

Email Marketing Mistakes

affordable website design

Are You Making These Email Marketing Mistakes? Many business owners who try email marketing make the mistake of believing that any type of email marketing is beneficial. This is not true.  There are a number of mistakes business owners can make when they organize an email marketing campaign. Examples of mistakes include allowing promotional materials … Read more

Resizing Your Images

affordable website design

Resizing Your Images: If you are updating your website yourself, whether you are using WordPress or another CMS (content management system), then you will need to know how to resize the images you want to have on your website. You can control the image height and width in most CMS systems, however the image on … Read more

How to Make a YouTube Video

affordable website design

Making a YouTube video is not complicated. The first step is to get a video recording device.  Video recording devices come in a number of different formats.  It is possible to use cell phones, webcams, or traditional camcorders.  If you are interested in using your cell phone to help you make a YouTube video, you … Read more

How to Generate Traffic Using Free Methods

affordable website design

How to Generate Traffic Using Free Methods: While there are ways to jumpstart your traffic flows, many website owners don’t have the resources to generate more traffic for their websites. If you are eager, and have the drive and perseverance needed to do hard work and research, you can generate traffic for your site. How … Read more

Blog Marketing Techniques

affordable website design

Blog Marketing is not all that difficult. You cannot make a post and then forget about it. You have to continue updating your blog, and marketing it so that it will become popular, and one that everyone wants to read. Here are some other ways that you can market your blog. Interviewing people and posting … Read more

What is Niche Marketing?

affordable website design

Niche Marketing: The word ‘niche’ is defined as: “A special area of demand for a product or service”. ‘Marketing’ is defined as: “The opportunity to buy or sell”. If you put the two words together, niche marketing means buying or selling a product or service in an area of special demand.  This is a product … Read more

The Best Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine Optimization: The big SEO companies offers SEO services for thousands of dollars per month. We can do the same for a fraction of the cost. Your website should be your hardest working employee.  Your website could generate revenue for your business 24/7. This is what your website can do with the proper positioning. You … Read more